Our Volunteers

2 min read

We have deep respect for the work our volunteers do for us. To be a volunteer, you must believe you can make a difference with us. We are different from most organizations in that we do not accept all who apply; we select the volunteers based on our needs and the amount of talent they can bring to the organization. Our psychologists and HR specialists select every volunteer.

Following your initial assessment and selection as a match for our requirements and the organization’s needs, you can advance as a volunteer within the organization through our five levels.

We don’t pay you for your work as a volunteer. It is possible, as a volunteer, to apply for a job with Wedoourbest, but we believe it’s more proper to place all applicants on the same level, so it does not affect your candidacy if you have been a volunteer at Wedoourbest. We will assess all applications, and we will select the best person for the job.

The benefit for a volunteer is that our serious organization, backed by a huge amount of professional consultants, guarantees that we can offer our employees and volunteers world-class training and education, and this makes a huge difference. We believe that both young and more experienced members can learn from each other. We see that our training does make a difference, as we are all learning every day; more importantly, we are always evaluating the way we work and the results we create.

Last updated: April 28, 2024 at 15:05 pm

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