2 min read
How do we spend our funds?
We have a system that adjusts our expenses based on the amount of money received and the activities we are running. During the first years, we have been accepting additional money to become established, but after three years we want to secure a maximum amount of money to be used for the administration of 12%, with the goal to be reached by 10%. It is for the children and for the youth that we work.
Also, in our work with fundraising, we keep a solid eye on ensuring the donated money is going directly to the pools we work with. You can, as a donor, note what your donation is given for, and we can assure you that this is how the money will be used. In case we don’t have projects running for that benefit, we have rules for how we then generate the money for other alternative activities, so all money is used for children and youth in the Asian-Pacific.
We do also have an emergency account, where all non-targeted donations are placed, and this emergency account is used to help children and youth who have issues after a conflict or a disaster.
Private donations make up 90% of our fundraising, which helps our operation in its independence and flexibility. To keep the organization out of conflicts and humanitarian movement abuse, we prioritize private donations as a source to fund our activities.
We understand the importance of keeping our funds and activities accountable to stakeholders.
Your money is our responsibility, to make it worthwhile and ensure it reaches where it will do the most good.
All private donators who follow our defined rules will be accepted.
We do not accept donations from religious organizations, political parties, organizations with a focus on race or sexual beliefs, or pharmaceutical companies who we don’t believe follow humanitarian standards or, in their way of acting, don’t fulfi and match what Wedoourbest stands for.
Wedoourbest is an organization that is brave and is not afraid of telling the truth. Having said that, the truth can often be difficult to tell.
Last updated: April 5, 2021 at 7:32 am