Behavioral Protocols

2 min read

All staff, volunteers, interns, consultants, visitors, employees, donors or sponsors of are expected to treat all children and other staff and volunteers with respect and dignity. Inappropriate acts, harassing, abusive, sexually provocative or demeaning language or behaviour towards children will not be tolerated.
Each individual must sign a statement to confirm that they have read the policy, will respect it and understand that action will be taken in cases of inappropriate behaviour.
There will be careful regulations about the forms of discipline that can be used. Staff and volunteers are strongly encouraged to inform their director when discipline is inappropriate. Discipline must be non-violent and non-humiliating.

  • Whenever possible, it should be ensured that another adult is present when working in the proximity of children;
  • Sleeping close to unsupervised children will not be allowed unless absolutely necessary;
  • That a child will not be engaged in any form of sexual activities or acts.

Adults will always be responsible for their behaviour and cannot blame the child even if the child ‘provokes’ or acts in a ‘seductive’ way.

That computers, mobile phones, video, and digital cameras will be used appropriately, and never to exploit or harass children or to access child pornography through any medium.

Infringement will result in immediate exclusion and we reserve the right to sue the person.

Communities and children with whom staff and volunteers work will be informed of the protocols and will be assured that project support will not be discontinued if they report suspicious behaviour. Also, staff and volunteers will not be asked to leave for reporting suspicious behaviour.

Where children are placed in communities, there will be careful screening and training of foster parents, team or individuals working with children to ensure safe and adequate care will be given. An audit will be performed, both announced and unannounced.

Last updated: April 5, 2021 at 7:28 am

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