Recruitment & Screening

2 min read

  • Refrain from hiring children for domestic or other labor, which is inappropriate given their age or developmental stage, which interferes with their time available for education and recreational activities, or which places them at significant risk of injury;
  • Screening is equally important for volunteers/interns, board staff and volunteers, and consultants;
  • Information on child protection policies must be given before and on acceptance of employment or signing a volunteer agreement.


  • A form must be signed agreeing to the child protection policy and stating that they have not had any previous convictions for abuse against children or violent behaviour. Their future employers will be informed if dismissed for abuse if the law in that country gives this option;
  • References should be checked preferably by telephone to give previous employers an opportunity to express concerns verbally;
  • A number of questions have been prepared that we ask in this relationship by interview and reference check;
  • For anyone who works with the children and the youngsters: All staff and volunteers must obtain and submit a police background check/police certificate/criminal record or certification for the right to work with children/young adults as issued by their passport country.

It is our Human Resources Management team who secure our recruitment of employees and volunteers. We do also select our volunteers. We select the full definition of talent.

All available jobs will be placed on the recruitment portal and the Human Resources Management team is offered Pro bono recruitment services from the company

Last updated: April 5, 2021 at 7:35 am

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